The Vastness of the Law

Why You Need A Lawyer The Moment You Find Out Your Pharmacy License Is In Jeopardy

As a pharmacist, you likely take great pride in helping others and making sure each and every one of your customers gets the medication they need. But sometimes, mistakes can happen or a customer can misinterpret your words or intent. There are a variety of different reasons why a pharmacist might be notified that they are under investigation, and none of them are likely to make you feel great. If you have received notice from your licensing organization that you are being investigated, it's important to stay calm and plan your next steps carefully. For best results, you need to reach out to an attorney who can start planning a pharmacy license defense immediately. Here are some important tips to keep in mind.

Don't Talk to an Investigator Without an Attorney

Sometimes when an investigator contacts a pharmacist, the pharmacist will think that they can handle the situation and will talk to the investigator to try and clear up what they might say was a misunderstanding. This is typically the first mistake most pharmacists who are under investigation make during a pharmacy license investigation. It's important to remember in this situation that the investigator that is contacting you is not on your side. These investigators are taught to look after the interests of the public, and that includes whichever customer reported you. Anything you say could end up being used against you, even if you don't realize what's going on when you say it. As soon as you receive a letter informing you that you are under investigation, you need to contact an attorney and then direct all future requests for communication to your legal counsel.

An Attorney Can Mitigate the Damage

Of course, another possible scenario is that you did, in fact, do what you are being accused of and you already know your license as a pharmacist is in serious jeopardy. But even then, it's critical to get a seasoned attorney on your side before you admit to anything. A good attorney can help coach you on what to say to the board or investigative team in order to frame the situation in your favor as much as possible. Even if you did mess up, it may be possible for a lawyer to present a case that will only get your license suspended for a period of time instead of completely removed. 

If you need a pharmacy license defense, reach out to an attorney at a firm like Spiga & Associates.